Unblock Content Being Restricted by Google Chrome

Issue: If you click a link and are not seeing any content, you get an error message the page won't load, page remains blank/big white box, it is likely that the content is insecure meaning is includes http:// at the beginning of the URL address. Your browser's security may not be allowing this content to be viewable in your course.


  1. Locate the Lock icon on the left side of the address bar indicating that the browser has temporarily blocked the content.
  2. Click the Lock icon
    Chrome browser lock example
  3. In the Settings window>Scroll to Insecure content, then use the drop-down list to change Block (default) to Allow
    Chrome insecure content

  4. Reload the page and try again


Article ID: 144
Created On: Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 1:54 PM
Last Updated On: Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 9:11 AM
Authored by: Amy Sorensen [Amy.Sorensen@cccs.edu]

Online URL: https://kb.ccconline.org/article.php?id=144