Edit Content/HTML page [Course Schedule]

Edit the Course Schedule HTML File?

Video Tutorial: Editing HTML Pages [video will open in new window]

  1. Click the Content link on the course navigation menu
  2. Click the Table of Contents or click the module where the schedule is located
  3. Click the Schedule title link
  4. Click the action triangle to the right of the Schedule title>Click Edit OR Click the Edit HTML button at the bottom left of the Course Schedule window
  5. Edit the file>Click in the HTML editor window>Update the dates and information
  6. Click in the table to adjust the table properties>Click the Insert table icon to adjust the table properties as desired
  7. After editing, click Update

You may have to clear your browser's cache or exit your browser and restart it entirely before you will see the changes take place in Content.

Tip: These instructions work for any HTML file in your Content

Article ID: 24
Created On: Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 10:30 AM
Last Updated On: Fri, May 4, 2018 at 1:05 PM
Authored by: Amy Sorensen [Amy.Sorensen@cccs.edu]

Online URL: https://kb.ccconline.org/article.php?id=24