Manage Content Items: Add New, Delete, Reorder, Move, Rename

Click here to view a video tutorial on how to create, edit, reorder, and delete items in content. [The video will open in a new window.]

Create a New Module from Content?

  1. Click the Content link on the course navigation menu
  2. Click Table of Contents in the left nav
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page or to the bottom of the left nav>Click the Add a Module text>Type the name of the new Module to be added>Hit Enter [the new module will appear at the bottom of the current modules on the left nav and in the Table of Contents, you may need to refresh your page]

Create a New Item in Content?

  1. Click into the module where you want the new page
  2. click the Upload/Create button to display the menu
  3. Select Create a File
    Upload/Create menu with "Create a File" highlighted

Delete a Content Item from a Module?

  1. Click the Content link on the course navigation menu
  2. Locate the item that you want to delete>Click the action triangle to the right of the title
  3. Choose Delete Topic >From the Delete Topic window choose the appropriate radio button--Remove the topic from content but keep the associated file or activity in the course; OR Permanently delete both the topic from Content and the associated file or activity from the course. [If you are not sure choose option #1]
  4. Click Delete
    expanded Content item dropdown menu

Delete a Module?

  1. Click the Content link on the course navigation menu
  2. Locate the module in the left nav>Click the module in the left nav
  3. After the module loads in the right window>Click the action triangle to the right of the module title>Choose Delete Module title
  4. From the Delete Topic window choose the appropriate radio button--Remove the topic from content but keep the associated file or activity in the course; OR Permanently delete both the topic from Content and the associated file or activity from the course. [If you are not sure choose option #1]
  5. Click Delete

Rename Modules and/or Topics?

  1. Click the Content link on the course navigation menu
  2. To rename a single item: Click the action triangle to the right of the content title>Click Edit Properties In-place
  3. Click the title of the item to edit>Update the title>Hit Enter

Article ID: 28
Created On: Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 10:38 AM
Last Updated On: Fri, May 4, 2018 at 1:23 PM
Authored by: Sean Renner []

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