Starting a Zoom Meeting as Host from within D2L

In D2L, if you are the host of a meeting you will need to start the meeting from the D2L Zoom integration home screen. 

  1. Access the Zoom Integration home screen for instructors by going into your course and selecting Content from the course navigation bar. Click on the module with the zoom integration.
  2. Once at the home screen you will see a listing of all your upcoming meetings. Find the meeting you want to start and click the Start button for that meeting. This is also where you can delete a meeting you have created. Find the meeting you want to delete and click the Delete button for that meeting.

Article ID: 527
Created On: Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 2:29 PM
Last Updated On: Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 10:09 AM
Authored by: Soma Ghosh []

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