How do students locate Instructor Attempt Feedback left in Quizzes

Students can use the following instructions to:

  1. view quiz feedback left by instructors
  2. quiz questions and answers if released by the instructor in Submission View.

If you are leaving feedback for students in the Attempt Feedback box in Quizzes, as shown below, share the following instructions with students on how to view the feedback.

Instructor attempt feedback view

Students: Below is the click path students need to take to review instructor feedback for Quizzes.

  1. Click Quizzes>From the Quiz list click the Quiz title>click the action triangle to the right of the Quiz title>choose Submissions

  2. From the Quiz Submissions>Click Attempt 1

  3. Under Attempt Feedback will be the instructors comments. If applicable, review the quiz questions and answers if released by the instructor.


Article ID: 84
Created On: Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 2:40 PM
Last Updated On: Wed, May 3, 2023 at 12:14 PM
Authored by: Amy Sorensen []

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