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McGraw Hill Deep Integration Instructor Setup

Use the following instructions to setup (pair) your McGraw Hill Connect course with your D2L section.

  1. Go into your D2L course>Notes for Instructors>Vendor Support>Click the McGraw Hill Connect Dashboard link [opens in a new window]
  2. By clicking the MGH Dashboard link a Connect section is created>from the Automatic Account and Course Setup window, click Refresh.
  3. From the Connect launch window>Click the Go to my Connect section link
  4. Now that your Connect course is created>From the Section Info widget>click the gear icon on the right>Select the edit section name & web address option>In the Section name field, update it to match your D2L course inforrmation. For example: ENV110C01 FA21>Click Save

Next Steps

Now that you have paired your Connect course use this kb article to set the assignment due dates for the Connect assignments.

Note: student grades for Connect assignments will automatically sync to the D2L grade items once student's complete an attempt.

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