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New WileyPLUS Adaptive Practice

New WileyPLUS Adaptive Practice


  • In the new Adaptive Assignments, your grading thresholds will already be set for you, so you will not need to set them yourself.
  • In the newest version of Adaptive, assignments cannot be reset for a student.

How to Assign Adaptive Practice (Set Dates)

  1. From Content, locate your Chapter Adaptive Practice link. Click the action arrow next to the assignment, and choose Edit Properties In-Place.

    Wiley D2L Adaptive Practice link
    D2L item edit properies in place

  2. Enter your Due Date, and Start and End Dates. Keep in mind the due date you enter is what will be shown in and associated with the Wiley side, whereas the Start and End Date will only affect access to the actual link in D2L. When you are finished, click Update.

    D2L item set dates

How to Review Students' Work in New WileyPLUS Adaptive Assignments

Reviewing students' work in Adaptive Practice


Assignment Types

There are 3 assignments types in Adaptive Assignments: Practice, Pre-Lecture, and Review. They differ based on their pedagogical intention, the student experience, and type of just-in-time instruction provided, and the number of questions required in each section.

NOTE: Currently in your PHY1111, PHY1112, PHY2111, or PHY2112 courses all Adaptive Assignments are the "Practice" type.


Practice Assignments 

Goal: This type of assignment is designed to help students do an in-depth practice on the content, filling in any learning gaps as they go. 

Student Experience: Each student is served different materials tailored to their individual needs, including instructional content or prerequisite support. Students complete Practice Assignments when they have completed at minimum of 10 questions and demonstrated an initial proficiency on the content. Students will complete an assignment once they have demonstrated that they are prepared for an upcoming quiz or test covering similar content to that of the Assignment. 

Just-in-Time Instruction: Depending on their need, students may receive instructional content. If they continue to struggle, they may receive prerequisite support (Refresher questions). 

Progress: These assignments require the highest level of proficiency to complete; a substantial number of correct answers is needed to make progress.

Additional Assignment Types Not Currently Used: 

Pre-Lecture Assignments 

Goal: This assignment is designed to engage students with initial exposure to new content. 

Student Experience: This assignment is designed to engage students in an initial exposure to new content. The assignment will start by serving instructional content to the student and then serve questions to drive active engagement. Students complete this assignment when they have completed a minimum of 2 questions per section and demonstrated familiarity with the content. At completion, the student has not necessarily mastered the content but is ready to engage in a lecture or other activity to deepen their understanding of the topic. 

Just-in-Time Instruction: After several questions on the section if the student is performing poorly they can be served further instructional materials and questions. 

Progress: These assignments require the lowest level of performance to complete; only a couple correct answers are needed to make significant progress.

Review Assignments 

Goal: This type of assignment is designed to help the student reinforce learned material to prepare for a test or get ready for an upcoming chapter or unit. 

Student Experience: This assignment will challenge the student to answer questions across its contents, providing just-in-time instructional support and focused practice as needed. Students complete a review assignment once they have demonstrated that they are likely to do well on an upcoming quiz or test covering similar content to that of the Assignment. 

Just-in-Time Instruction: Depending on their need, the student can be served further instructional materials and questions. 

Progress: They require a medium level of proficiency to complete; a fair number of correct answers is needed to make progress. 

How does Progress work in Adaptive Assignments? 

Adaptive assignments have a progress bar that tracks how well the student understands the material. 

  • • The progress bar starts at 0% and can move up or down depending on how well the student is performing. 
    Wiley Adaptive Progress Bar 0 percent
  • • Progress increases when students are doing well.
    Wiley Adaptive Progress Bar 50 percent
  • • When students are performing poorly, their Current Progress (purple bar) can decrease. However, their Highest Progress (blue bar) will never decrease. A student's final score is based on their Highest Progress. 
    Wiley Adaptive Progress Bar 40 percent
  • • The progress bar reaches 100% when the student meets the proficiency of the specific type of assignment, which is different for each type of assignment. 
    Wiley Adaptive Progress Bar 100 percent

The Progress metric is based on Item Response Theory (IRT). It considers the student’s responses to each question, the difficulty of the question, and the student’s history in responding to each learning objective and its adjacent objectives. 

There is no “time of question” nor a specific number of questions that the student must get right to complete an assignment. Relatedly, the most advanced student still needs to answer a minimum number of questions in each section in the assignment. This number depends on the type of assignment and ensures that students must see some items for every section in the assignment before completion. 


How Grading and Progress are connected 

Progress can increase and decrease while a student is working on an assignment. Students achieve points as they reach the designated progress percentages.

Adaptive assignments track both the student’s Current Progress and the Highest Progress they have achieved during the assignment. The student’s grade is based on their Highest Progress. 


CCCO Grading Thresholds for Adaptive Practice

NOTE: In the new Adaptive Assignments, your grading thresholds will already be set for you, so you will not need to set them yourself.

PHY1111, PHY1112, PHY2111, and PHY2112

Result on Adaptive Practice assignment

Score Received

70% or higher 11
55% or higher 8
40% or higher 5
0% to 40% 3


How Progress differs by Assignment Type 

The way progress works varies slightly based on Assignment Type. Keep in mind that currently in your PHY course, all of the Adaptive Assignments are set to Practice.

  • Practice assignments give students in-depth practice. 
    • These assignments require the highest level of proficiency to complete 
    • Students are expected to work on about 10 questions per section and demonstrate the ability to answer questions correctly consistently in each assigned section 
    • A substantial number of correct answers are needed to make progress

 Additional Assignment Types Not Currently Used:

  • Pre-Lecture assignments are intended to give students initial exposure to new content. 
    • These assignments require the lowest level of proficiency to complete 
    • Students are expected to work on at least 2 questions per section and demonstrate an ability to answer questions correctly some of the time 
    • Only a couple correct answers are needed to make significant progress 
  • Review assignments are designed to reinforce learned material to prepare for a test. 
    • They require a medium level of proficiency to complete. 
    • Students are expected to work on about 5 questions per section show they can usually answer questions correctly to complete, but do not need to demonstrate consistent correctness. 
    • A fair number of correct answers is needed to make progress.


What are Refresher questions? 

Refresher questions, or prerequisite support, recognizes that conceptual knowledge often requires a "building block" approach and that concepts are interrelated. More advanced concepts often require an understanding of more basic or "prerequisite" concepts. For example, it is challenging to teach a student multiplication without him/her first having a working knowledge of addition. The Knewton engine can identify if students are struggling with a higher-level topic and need first to understand a prerequisite topic to grasp the higher-level concept. Suppose Knewton identifies a student struggling with a prerequisite topic. In that case, it will serve up content to help the student build his/her understanding of that prerequisite topic before moving him/her on to the higher-level topic. 


How does Knewton's adaptivity help students? 

Knewton's adaptivity has been used across the globe and refined for 10+ years with learners of all grades and subjects. Knewton's adaptivity is built on a knowledge graph that maps the relationships between concepts, including prerequisite knowledge relationships, and a proficiency model that maintains a real-time "knowledge profile" for each student across all content relevant to their assignment as they work. The Knewton proficiency model utilizes  

  1. a continuously updating version of Item Response Theory to update its assessment of the student's level of understanding of the assigned concepts, 
  2. the prerequisite relationships between concepts (so that we learn the most from each student interaction) and 
  3. the timing and recency of student responses (e.g., the most recent responses represent the student's current knowledge state.) 

As students answer questions, the system determines where they have knowledge gaps (either core concepts or prerequisite concepts) and serves up questions related to the learning objectives that they need to focus on the most, plus targeted instruction and prerequisite support as required. 


How do Adaptive Assignments compare to Orion? 

Adaptive Assignments are a significant improvement over Orion. They offer a much richer instructor and student experience than Orion. Knewton is a superior adaptive tool, based on learning science and validated by the millions of learners who have mastered course content using Knewton's adaptive engine. Adaptive Assignments don’t just offer an updated Orion-like experience but a completely different and better approach to personalized learning 

The Adaptive Assignment experience will improve upon the value that Orion provided our customers and address pain points in our Orion offering in the following ways. 

  1. Adaptive Assignments provide students with four levels of help during the experience (targeted practice, answer explanations, instruction, and prerequisite support) 
  2. Setting up the Adaptive Assignment experience will be much easier and more integrated with course building as opposed to a separate configuration 
  3. Adaptive Assignments are designed to be completable and assignable for credit (grading), minimizing confusion and frustration and increasing student engagement 
  4. The student experience is aligned and integrated with the overall New WileyPLUS course, resulting in significantly improved ease of use. 
  5. With Orion, students had to complete a ~20-question diagnostic before the system could adapt to their knowledge level. Knewton continuously adapts to student performance in the system, so a separate diagnostic isn't necessary. Most students should have a more efficient experience with Adaptive Assignments than they did with Orion. 


Questions in Adaptive Assignments 

Questions included in Adaptive Assignments are a subset of questions from ORION. They have been carefully reviewed and selected from the larger pool of ORION questions to ensure question quality. New questions have been written for SS21 revisions to reflect new or revised content. 

Question Types 

  • Multiple choice is the primary question type in adaptive assignments, making up ~90% of all questions across titles. 
  • Some courses also include text entry, text entry numeric and/or true/false questions. 

In some cases, multiple select questions from ORION have been rewritten into multiple choice questions. Multiple select questions are not included because we do not provide partial credit in adaptive assignments. 

In other cases, new questions have been written for revisions or to substitute for multiple select questions that could not be rewritten. For Tier 1 titles, answer explanations have also been written. 

Question Volume per Section 

  • The average total question count per section is ~20-25 questions. This could vary by title. 
  • If multiple assignments that cover the same chapters or sections, it's possible that students will see repeat questions. 


Questions and Assignment Types 

Assignment type does not change the questions that will be included. All assignment types pull from the same bank of questions.

Wiley Adaptive Assignment page overview

  1. Assignment Overview details
    • Shows you the estimated number of questions students will need to do to complete the assignment, the total point value, and the assignment due date.
  2. Options
    • You can enter the Student view for the assignment.
  3. Report Breakout tabs
    • Three different levels of reporting:
      • Content
        • Shows you a list of the chapters and section in your assignment. You will be able to click into a specific section to see a breakdown by questions at the section level.
      • Students
        • This will let you drill down into individual students' analytics.
      • Policies
        • This will provide an overview of your assignment policies
  4. Student Status
    • Provides a quick view of your students' progress status:
      • Struggling
        • These students are struggling to complete and master the content in your assignment.
      • In Progress
        • These students are currently working on their assignment.
      • Complete
        • These students have completed their assignment.
      • Not Started
        • These students have not started their assignment.
  5. Class Progress
    • High-level overview of your current class progress and how many students fall within each percentage threshold.
  6. Review of your Assignment Intention.
  7. Content Covered
    • Breakdown of each section included in your assignment. When you click into a section, you can see a breakdown of each section by question.

Clicking on a section from Content Covered 

By selecting a section under Content Covered, you will see a breakdown of questions attempted by your students.

Wiley Adaptive Content Covered

Here you will see:  

  1. You can view all questions attempted by your class under the “Questions” tab, or view questions by each student on the “Students” tab.
  2. The questions list will show you all of the questions attempted.
    1. When viewing from the class level, you will see every question attempted by your students and its performance analytics. 
  3. The Responses column will show you how many students attempted this question. 
  4. Average Time Spent will tell you the average time students spent answering this question. 
  5. % Correct is the percentage of students who answered this question correctly. 

 If you click on a question title, you will see additional information such as: 

  1. Analytics on student performance 
  2. The question and correct answer 
  3. Ability to move to the next question on your Content list

    Wiley Adaptive Question

Viewing Your Student List from Assignment Dashboard 

From the Assignment Dashboard, you can dive deeper into students’ performance by clicking on the “Students” tab.

Wiley Adaptive Students Tab

From here you will be able to see: 

  1. List of students' names in your course. 
    • This will list all of your students, not just those that have attempted the Adaptive Assignment. This way you can see who is currently working, have completed assignments, and have not started. 
  2. Time Spent: The time each student spent on their Adaptive Assignment. 
    • If you click on a student’s name, you can see a breakdown by time spent per question. 
  3. Questions Completed: This will show you how many questions your student has completed. 
    • By clicking on the student’s name, you will be able to view every question and piece of instructional content they interacted with. 
  4. Current Progress: This will show you each student’s current progress on their Adaptive Assignment. 
    • Not Started: They have not started the assignment. 
    • In Progress: They are currently working on the assignment and have not reached 100% completion. 
    • Struggling: These students are struggling to complete and master the content in your assignment. 
    • Complete: Student has completed the assignment. 
  5. Grade: The percentage score your student received on the assignment. 

Clicking on an Individual Student's Name

By clicking on a student’s name, you can dig into a specific student’s performance.

PLEASE NOTE: you cannot click on a student’s name if they have not started the assignment.

Wiley Adaptive individual student 

  1. Assignment information: Due date of your assignment, the student's current status on it, and their current score 
  2. Assignment Analytics: Student time spent, number of questions they have attempted, and their currently progress percentage. 
  3. Sections drop down: By default, all sections will be selected but you can easily choose a specific Section to drill into 
  4. Questions Attempted: You will be able to see every question your student has attempted. 
    • Here you will see the question title, the date and time they submitted it, the time they spent answering the question, and if they were correct or incorrect. 
    • You can view your student’s submission by clicking on the question 
  5. Instructional Material provided: Throughout the Adaptive Assignment, our Knewton engine will provide Just in Time Instruction when needed. You will be able to view every piece of Instruction that your students interacted with, and how much time they spent viewing. 

 You can also watch a video to see how students review Adaptive Assignments.

Instructor Experience 

Adaptive Assignments are a targeted, actionable approach to teaching. Assignment Types allow instructors to introduce new concepts to your class, help students learn with in-depth sessions, or give them a focused review before an upcoming exam. Then, they enable instructors to get a closer look at who’s grasping concepts early on, and who’s struggling, so they can intervene.  

Reviewing Class Metrics 

Instructors will have access to meaningful, actionable metrics through the Instructor Assignment Dashboard where they can view: 

  • Student performance 
  • Student assignment history, including questions and time spent by question. 
  • Students who are struggling on the assignment, or on a particular section 
  • See how the whole class is performing on each section and identify potential topics for in-class discussion or review. 
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