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Pearson Technical Support

Use the following information to setup your browser to successfully access Pearson digital content-MyLabsPlus, Pearson MyLabs direct integration, eText links, or other digital assets.

CCCOnline courses do NOT use an access code to gain entry to Pearson products and are not required to enter a username/login name and password.

Pearson Browser Tuneup

Run the Pearson browser tuneup to determine if your browser is supported and has the proper plug-ins to access your Pearson product.

What are the correct browser settings-IMPORTANT SETTING CHANGES BELOW?

Step 1: Pop up Blockers: Turn off all pop up blockers including additional toolbar pop up blockers, for example a google or yahoo toolbar.

Step 2: Browser Settings: Students and instructors need to make sure their browsers are set as follows:
[IMPORTANT: Once you make these browser changes, restart your computer in order for the changes to take effect]

When I click an eText link in my course nothing happens?

If you click a link and are not seeing any content, page remains blank/big white box, it is likely that the content is unsecure meaning that it includes http:// at the beginning of the URL address. Your browser's security may not be allowing this content to be viewable in your course.

If you click a link and are not seeing any content, page remains blank/big white box, it is likely that the content is unsecure meaning is includes http:// at the beginning of the URL address. Your browser's security may not be allowing this content to be viewable in your course. - See more at: https://kb.ccconline.org/article.php?id=143#sthash.H7SoijlT.dpuf
If you click a link and are not seeing any content, page remains blank/big white box, it is likely that the content is unsecure meaning is includes http:// at the beginning of the URL address. Your browser's security may not be allowing this content to be viewable in your course. - See more at: https://kb.ccconline.org/article.php?id=143#sthash.H7SoijlT.dpuf
If you click a link and are not seeing any content, page remains blank/big white box, it is likely that the content is unsecure meaning is includes http:// at the beginning of the URL address. Your browser's security may not be allowing this content to be viewable in your course. - See more at: https://kb.ccconline.org/article.php?id=143#sthash.H7SoijlT.dpuf

Review the following links to determine how to view the eText links in the appropriate browser.

How Can I Determine the Technical Requirements for my Pearson Product?

Pearson System Requirements Support Link

Pearson Tech Support Information

If you are experience issues accessing your MyLabsPlus, MyLabs direct integration course or eText, visit Pearson Tech Support.

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