Using Blackboard Ally to Convert Files to Accessible Format
- Access the Blackboard Ally File Transformer. The accessible file formats they offer are: OCRed PDF, Tagged PDF, Audio, HTML, Electronic braille, ePub, and Beeline Reader.
- On the main page, drag or upload a file to convert to a different, accessible format. Note: Supported file formats to upload are: PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, and HTML.
- In this example, we will Browse for a file. Choose the desired file, and click Open.
- Type in your Institution, in this case "Colorado Community College System," and check the "I'm not a robot" CAPTCHA. Click Transform my file.
- Choose which alternative file format you would like to convert to. Select the file type and click Download.
- After your file has downloaded, open it to see it in the new format. In this case I converted a PDF to an HTML file.